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Hvad er en disposition?

Hvad er en disposition?

Hvad er en disposition?

Hvad er en disposition?

Undrer du dig over hvad en disposition er? Hvad formålet er med den? eller nærmere hvordan man skriver en? Få styr på alle dine spørgsmål om dispositioner her ved at læse videre! 🙌


🎓    Hvad er en disposition?

🎓    Hvad bruger man en disposition til?

🎓    Hvordan laver man en disposition?

🎓    Skabelon til disposition

🎓    Hvordan kan jeg strukturer min disposition?

🎓    Hvor lang skal en disposition være?

🎓    Hvad er en Indledning?

🎓    Hvad er en komposition?

🎓   Hvad er en redegørende tekst?

🎓   Hvad er en diskuterende tekst?

🎓   Hvad er en konklusion?

🎓   Eksempler på dispositioner i engelsk fra tidligere eksamener.

🎓   Hvad er forskellen på en synopsis og en disposition?

🎓  Download vores disposition skabelon nederst på siden.

Hvad er en disposition?

En disposition er en oversigt over din opgave. Det er en plan for hvordan du vil strukturer dit stof i en videnskabelig opgave, afhandling eller artikel. En disposition er opbygget med stikord eller korte sætninger.

Pointen ved at lave en disposition er, at den skal kunne minde dig om hvad du skal sige, og hvilken rækkefølge, du vil sige det i.

Formålet ved at lave en disposition er, at du kan få et foreløbigt overblik over, hvordan din opgave skal se ud. Ved netop at være foreløbig, adskiller den sig fra indholdsfortegnelsen.

En disposition ville typisk vise, hvilke vigtige punkter, man skal have med i sin opgave. Det kunne f.eks. være hvilke overskrifter/hovedafsnit opgaven skal have og hvilke vigtige indholdsdele skal de enkelte afsnit indeholde.

Hvordan bruger man en disposition?

Hvorfor burde man overhovedet lave en disposition? En disposition kan være en god idé at lave, da det både viser at man har styr på sit indhold og hele tiden har en rød tråd i det man gerne vil præsentere for den nysgerrige modtager.

Dog er det meget vigtigt, at der er en klar sammenhæng i opgaven, og at det hele ikke bliver præsenteret lidt tilfældigt. Man bruger blandt andet en disposition til fremlæggelser, afhandler, artikler osv. Man bruger også en disposition for at få en god struktur på sin opgave.

Hvordan laver man en disposition?

En disposition kan skrives på mange forskellige måder, afhængigt af det emne, der skal dækkes, og den type arbejde, der skal udføres.

Men der er nogle fælles trin, der kan følges for at sikre, at en disposition er klar og forståelig. Først og fremmest skal du identificere det overordnede formål med din disposition. Hvad vil du opnå med denne disposition?

Derefter skal du identificere de væsentligste punkter, du ønsker at dække. Du kan eventuelt opdele disse punkter i underpunkter for at gøre det lettere at forstå. Derefter skal du arrangere dine punkter i en logisk rækkefølge.

En disposition bør skrives som stikord eller korte sætninger i punktform. En disposition skal inkludere enkelte delemner og de vigtige konflikter, man har tænkt sig at understrege i sin fremlæggelse.

Skriv de enkelte delemner og konflikter i den rækkefølge, der giver bedst mening at fremlægge det i. I forhold til indholdet er det vigtigt, at du er klar og tydelig med dine stikord - både for at dig selv og modtageren. Se eksempler på struktur over dispositioner ovenover.

En disposition er anderledes i sprogfag i forhold til i naturvidenskabelige fag. I det følgende vil vi fokusere på, hvordan man laver en disposition i sprogfag og komme med nogle eksempler – både i dansk og engelsk.

Kom i gang med at skrive din egen disposition her!

Disposition skabelon

Se her vores skabelon på en disposition, som kan downloades nederst på siden.

👉 Disposition skabelon

Hvordan strukturere jeg min disposition?

Nedenunder finder du tre forskellige eksempler på, hvordan du kan strukturere en disposition.

1.   Eksempel på disposition

·      Introduktion

·      Præsentation af analyse- og fortolkningspunkter.

·      Perspektiveringsområder.

·      Angivelse af oplæsningsstykke.

·      Kilderfortegnelse

2.   Eksempel på disposition

·      Indledning

·      Redegørelse

·      Analyse

·      Konklusion

·      Kildefortegnelse

3.   Eksempel på disposition

·      Komposition

-       Resume

-       Konflikt

-       Handlingslinje

-       Tidsforløb

·      Personer

-       Fortæller/synsvinkel

-       Vigtigt personer

-       Personudvikling

-       Navnesymboler

·      Miljø/tid

-        Miljø (betydning)

-       Tid

·      Virkemidler

-       Symboler

-       Modsætninger

-       Sproglige virkemidler

·      Fortolkning

-       Tema

-       Morale

-       Politik & samfund

-       Title/målgruppe

·      Konklusion

-       Vurdering

-       Perspektivering

Hvor lang skal en disposition være?

En disposition skal være 1-2 sider lang, men det afhænger selvfølgelig også af opgaveformuleringen, og hvad din lærer foretrækker. Dog er det meget vigtigt at det bliver skrevet i stikord eller kortesætninger i punktform.


En Indledning er hvor læseren bliver introduceret til dit opgaveemne. Den er meget vigtig, fordi det er her læseren skaber deres forventninger til opgaven. Det er vigtigt at du er klar og tydelig i indledningen, da det er der du introducerer problemet du tager fat i på opgaven, og hvordan du ville løse det.


I en komposition skal du tage udgangspunkt i hvordan din tekst er opbygget. Det ville sige at du kort skal komme ind på; handlingen, spændingsopbygningen, vendepunkterne, tidsforløbet og de forskellige synsvinkler. Her kan man også besvar spørgsmål som; Hvad er plottet i historien? Hvad er det hovedpersonen skal? Hvad går konflikten ud på? Hvor lang tid strækker handlingen sig over? Er handlingen kronologisk?


I den redegørende tekst redegør du for hovedsynspunkterne. Her besvar du de primær spørgsmål så som; Hvordan opstod det? Hvornår opstod det? Hvem og hvor mange har haft en rolle i det?  Du skal vælge de vigtigste ting fra teksten/emnet og sortere de mindre vigtige ting fra.

Den redegørende tekst skal være skrevet ud fra det basale fakta, hvilket skal give modtageren et overblik over dit emne.


I den diskuterende tekst skal du fortsat skabe et overblik over emnet, samt fremhæve forskellige synspunkter og problemstillinger. Det meget vigtigt at du ikke tager personlig stilling til din emne/konflikt, og snarer fremhæver begge synsvinkler af konflikten neuralt.


En konklusion er oftest det allersidste afsnit i opgaven, hvor man opsummerer resultaterne, og kommer lidt ind på hvorfor konflikten/emnet er vigtigt. Her skal du fremhæve hovedpunkterne og hvad du er kommet frem til.

I din konklusion er det vigtigt at du forholder dig til din problemstilling, samt svarer på spørgersmålet. Husk at komme med de primære argumenter, og lav en vurdering ud fra hvad du har undersøgt.

Her kan man også vælge at perspektiver det emne/konflikt man har valgt at skrive om til et andet lignende.

Eksempler på dispositioner i engelsk fra tidligere eksamener

Disposition eksempel om konflikter

Her er det delt op i selve manuskriptet og hvordan dispositionen til dette manuskript kunne se ud.

Manuskript - conflict:
Manuscript – Conflict OutlineIntroduce topic - subtopicI chose this topic because we´ve had some lessons in our class about body image and I found it interesting and I also wanted to learn more about it. So I thought this was the perfect opportunity to do so.What is the conflict with body image?The conflict is a person vs society conflict. Because society has given us these unhealthy norms that state we have to look a certain way or else we won't be accepted as an eligible part of society. It's mainly the influence of models and celebrities we´ve seen on instagram or in magazines. And a lot of people don't believe that they're beautiful the way they are because of the influence of society.There's also a person vs self conflict. Some people start setting up these unhealthy goals for themselves that they want to accomplish to be beautiful the way society wants and when the goals are not reached the person's feelings of hopelessness begin to arise. These feelings can result in (example; some people eating less, and some might even starve themselves just to have an acceptable thin body size according to society.) sadly in some cases it can lead to eating disorders and can affect your mental health. which i will get more into later on this presentation.Why is an unrealistic body image an issue?It's an issue because a lot of people start comparing themselves to models they´ve seen on facebook or in magazines. As a direct result of this some might even start to diet and others might start to eat less, which can lead to eating disorders. As I mentioned earlier about the goals not being reached could result in depression and if we look further it can also affect your mental health in the long run. A lot of people are really embarrassed and ashamed about their appearance and some people feel very guilty while eating, and a lot of people feel like they have betrayed themselves, which also can affect your mental health.Does cyberbullying have an effect on the perception of an acceptable body image?· Scrolling through apps (including Instagram)· Edited and airbrushed bodies· Lower self esteem· Body dysmorphia (mental health condition)· (Teen’s health) Men and women.
What are the body norms in different countries? (definitions of beauty)Back then in the day it was seen as a beautiful thing to have tiny feet in China. It was normal that when people were born, the parents had to put small shoes on the children's feet, and they were not allowed to take the shoes off. It was beautiful to break and tightly bend the feet for it to remain small.In Japan, beauty has been compared with a light skin tone. And a lot of women would paint their faces with white powder to seem beautiful. And they would also dye their teeth black around puberty, and it was seen as a sign of beauty, maturity, and progress.The beauty standards in Denmark currently are that you should have a healthy-looking body and with sharp facial features that make you look more athletic.How has this changed over time?According to Fashion news, companies like True & Co and Victoria´s Secret have hired plus-size models. This can be argued whether it´s leading to people Normalizing obesity. According to Norish Obesity creates a lot of problems because obesity comes with a list of health risks including stroke, diabetes, cancer and heart diseases.My personal opinion about body imageRegarding companies hiring plus-size models, I think it's a great idea because it shows people that don't have the acceptable modern thin body size, but at the same time i think it's a bad thing too because if people start accepting larger bodies as a norm, people would start getting unhealthier to match the given body size. We should promote a healthy body image and We should encourage people with unhealthy eating habits rather than shaming them.Thank you for listening.

Dispositionen - conflict:English OutlineTopic: Conflict.The Subtopic: Body image1. What is the conflict with body image?A Person/Society conflict· These unhealthy norms· Not accepted (eligible)· Influence of models & celebrities· Natural beautyA Person/Self conflict· Unhealthy goals· Accomplish (beauty society´s way)· Goals not reached· Result: eating less, starve· Sadly (eating disorders & mental health)2. Why is an unrealistic body image an issue?· Comparing themselves models· Result; diet & eating less· Lead; Eating disorders· Mention Goals not reached: depression· Further mental health· Embarrassed (guilty eating) (betrayed MH)3. Does cyberbullying have an effect on the perception of an acceptable body image?· Scrolling through apps· Edited and airbrushed bodies· Lower self esteem· Body dysmorphia (mental health condition)· Teen’s health4. What are the body norms in different countries?· Beauty thing (tiny feet) (China)· Normal people born (Parents put shoes)· Beauty: break & tightly bend (remain small)· Women paint (white powder)· Black teeth (beauty, maturity, progress)5. How has this changed over time?· Ac. Fashion-news· Companies (True & Co & Victoria´s secret)· Hired plus-size models (Normalizing Obesity)· Obesity health risk (Stroke, cancer, diabetes, heart diseases)´

Disposition eksempel om immigration in Denmark

Manuskript - immigration in Denmark:
Why did I chose this subtopic?I chose this topic because I wanted to learn more about immigration in Denmark and so I thought this was the perfect opportunity to do so.How has immigration in Denmark changed throughout history?
According to (iom.int) Prior to WW1 danmark experienced lots of people emigrating to non european nations. Due to an increased demand of workforce lots of people immigrated to DK with a work status and as a result the immigration policy became more strict, which reduced the number of immigrants to Denmark. In 1972 Denmark gave the option to apply for a family reunification, which then became the primary method of immigration from non european countries.In 1918 According to Wiley online library the number of refugees increased.According to CBC Denmark tightened its laws for immigration in 2010.And now what is immigration in Denmark like today?According to Mette Frederiksen, the prime minister of Denmark, announced in January of 2021, that immigration should be limited so it would not threaten the social solidarity of Danish society. This was believed to already have been under stress, and she added that the number of migrants had a powerful impact on accomplishing integration of immigrants. Which meant that the government would face the antidemocratic values practiced in DK by migrants from muslim countries.What does it require to become a Danish citizen?To become a danish citizen one should, according to the ministry of integration and foreign affairs, have a residence permit. According to Kay Xandermellish A danish citizenship is not easy to get, a language test and a citizenship test is required. According to retsinformation, Permanent residency requirements are constantly being changed, the requirements currently are that you should have lived in Denmark legally for 8 years and have had a job for 4 of those years. Even a speeding ticket can prevent you from getting a danish citizenship for a period up to 5 years. According to Nyidanmark, if you have been convicted of something criminal, where you get a prison sentence for less than 6 months or if you have received a conditional prison sentence your not allowed to obtain a residence permit for a couple of years, if your sentence is over 6 months your not allowed to apply for a residence permit at all.Why do immigrants choose to move to Denmark?Kay Xander Mellish is a Danish author, who immigrated from the US to Denmark. She writes about immigration in Denmark and how it is to live in Denmark. In one of her books she meant that one of the reasons for why immigrants choose to move to DK is that it´s a child-friendly society and it's a good and safe place for children to grow up. According to the foreign affairs of Denmark some other reasons for people immigrating to Denmark is that Denmark offers a work-life balance, free education, Free access to most of the healthcare services, so people don't have to worry about getting sick and not be able to pay for their medication, surgeries..etc.As stated, the ministry of integration and foreign affairs set the laws of immigration into denmark. Similarly, they also decide who gets to stay and who has to leave the country. an example of a case today, I want to talk about Aya abu-DaherTalk about Aya Abu-Daher- 19 year old- Student (Nyborg gym)- Immigrated (2015)- Ac. dr.dk (Celebrated finish)- Valid residence permit (graduation)

Disposition - Immigration in Denmark:English OutlineTopic: ImmigrationSubtopic: Immigration in Denmark1. How has immigration in Denmark changed throughout history?1960 – 2020· Prior To WW1 (Dk experienced)· Emigrating: non-European nations.· Increased d. workforce· (immi-Dk) work-status· Result: Reduced· 1972 Dk Option; apply (Fam reunifications)Today?· Ac. Mette (Prime) announced· (Jan 2021) Immigration limited· Social solidarity · This Believed· Added nr, mig (power)· Government: f. antidemocratic2. What does it require to become a Danish citizen?· (1S) Ministry integration, foreign affairs· Ac. Kay Danish Citizenship· Language and citizenship test· Ac. Retsinformation (Permanent residency)· Requirements changed. cly· (Lived: legally 8) (Job: 4) spt.· Ac. (nyidanmark) convicted3. Why do immigrants choose to move to Denmark?· (Danish Author: Kay XM) (US)· Reasons; Child-friendly· Ac. TFA (work-life balance)· Free education, Access health services· Medication/surgeries4. Who is Aya Abu-Daher?· 19 (S: Nyborg gymnasium)· Immigrated - Syria/Dk (2015)· Ac: dr.dk (Celebrated: finish)· Oral Pt. SOP· Valid residence permit (graduation)

Disposition eksempel om systematic rasicm

Manuscript - Systematic racism:
Emmett Till was a 14-year-old African American boy who was (in 1955) abducted, tortured and lynched in missisippi, after being accused of offending a white woman in her family's grocery store.According to history.com Emmett was born and raised in Chicago, where he went to a segregated elementary school, but he was unprepared for the extent of segregation he would face in Mississippi. Emmett's mother had always urged him to be careful because of his ethnicity, but he enjoyed playing pranks and having a good time.During summer, 1955. Emmett was visiting relatives in Mississippi. On August 24, Emmett was standing outside a country store with his cousins and some friends, bragging about the fact that his girlfriend back home was white. Because Emmett's cousins and friends didn't believe him, they challenged him to ask the woman behind the store counter for a date. According to loc.gov he went in, bought some candy, and said “bye baby” to the woman on his way out. Although there were no witnesses in the store, the woman behind the counter, Carolyn Bryant, later stated that he grabbed her, sexually touched her, and whistled on his way out.This resulted in Carolyn´s husband, Roy and his half brother, who were both armed, going to Emmett Till's great-uncle's house and abducting Emmett, a few days after that had taken place. According to pbs.org they raped and disfigured him, then shot him in the head and tied him with barbed wire to a large metal fan and dumped his body in the Tallahatchie River in Mississpi. Emmett Till's body was first discovered and rescued three days later. After Emmett´s mother had seen his inguries, she decided to have an open-casket funeral so that the world what racist murders had done to her only son.According to history.com The civil rights movement was a struggle for social justice that primarily took place during the 1950s and 1960s. The Civil Rights movement was a movement which sought to bring equal rights to Black American under the United States law.It was a legacy of more than 400 years of American History in which slavery, racism, white supremacy, and discrimination played major roles in the country´s social, economic, and political growth.Emmett Till's story quickly spread world wide, and a lot of people were outraged as to what happened to Emmett Till. With the little justice he received after being a victim tortour and racial prejudice people started to protest. (People began to protest because of the lack of justice he received after being a victim of torture and racial prejudice).This was, thus, a scenario, among many, which led to “The civil rights movement”. Mamie, Emmett Till's mother, held speeches to enforce societal change. The oppressors, Roy and his half brother, did not get charged with any crime and this was, therefore, one of many reasons to enforce a societal change in the form of the “The civil rights movement”.

Disposition - Systematic racism:English OutlineTopic: Systematic RacismSubtopic: Emmett Till & Clinton Melton (Pt 1)Emmett Till´s story· Start pitch· 14-year-old African American· 1955: Abducted, tortured and lynched· The story· During summer, 1955· On Aug 24 (Accused)· Emmett challenged· Ac. loc.gov (“bye baby”)· No witnesses· Stated: Grabbed her, sexually touched her & whistledResulted· Resulted: Carolyn´s husband, Roy· Ac. pbs.org (Raped - disfigured him - then shot)· Tied to a large metal fan (& dumped)· Tallahatchie River in Mississippi· Discovered & rescued· Injuries seenThe civil rights movementWhat was the civil rights movement?· Struggle social justice (Pr. took: 1950-1960s)· The civil right movement (US law)· It was legacy: of more than 400 (American history)· Slavery, racism, white supremacy, and discriminationHow did Emmett Till´s case lead to the civil rights movement?· Quickly spread worldwide· People began: protest· led “The civil right movement”· Mamie speeches: enforce societal change· Attempt: enforce a societal change

Hvorfor er en disposition vigtig?

En disposition er altid en god ide at lave da den er med til at sikre at du både viser at du har styr på dit indhold og har tænkt på den røde tråd i det du gerne ville præsentere.

Det er meget vigtigt, at du tager udgangspunkt i de krav opgaveformuleringen tager stilling til - da det bl.a. er det du bliver dømt på, altså om du har skrevet det, du bliver bedt om. Det er meget vigtigt at du udarbejder en disposition inden du går i gang med at skrive din opgave/forberede din mundtlig fremlæggelse.

Husk at uddybe den og gør den mere præcis undervejs! Din disposition skal hjælpe dig med at indtænke en rød tråd i din stil/mundtligt oplæg.

5 gode råd til en god disposition :) 🙌🎓

1.   Vælg et emne og fastlæg dit formål. Der er mange, der har det svært ved at definere det indledende fokus for opgaven.

2.   Vi anbefaler, at man først brainstormer mange potentielle ideer, så man har noget at arbejde ud fra.

3.   Herefter kan du sortere i dine brainstormede ideer med henblik på at udvælge de bedste.

4.   Når du har udvalgt dine primære ideer, så skriv dem gerne ned i en kronologisk rækkefølge og gå i gang med at skrive opgaven.

5.   Brug tid på at rette opgaven i gennem og gennemlæs den før du afleverer !

Hvad er forskellen på en synopsis og en disposition?

I en synopsis går man mere i dybden med hvad ens projekt/mundtligt oplæg går ud på, hvilket er med til at danne rammen for dit mundtlige prøve/projekt.

En synopsis er en kort tekst der giver et overblik over dit projekt/mundtligt oplæg. Ved at lave en synopsis gør du det nemmere for modtageren at forstå ideen i/formålet med dit projekt/mundtligt oplæg.

Hvorimod en disposition redegør for hvad du ville sige, og hjælper dig med at følge den råde tråd - Hvilket betyder at en synopsis er en udvidede udgave af en disposition.

Held og lykke med opgaven/det mundtligt oplæg! 🎓🙌

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